
Browse below for books, blogs, videos, and podcasts that reflect the values and DNA of LK10.


LK10 Virus Spreads to Ireland

John White interviews Tony Carey, who recounts how he found LK10 and how it’s impacted his life and ministry in Ireland.

A Theological Education for All of Us

Dr. Kent Smith shares how theological education must change, and how we are responding to have a more relevant, holistic approach for the 21st century.


Stories From the Revolution

A new podcast from one of LK10’s founders, John White. You can subscribe through Anchor.FM or Spotify. The podcast will soon be available on Apple Podcasts.


Joy-Fueled: Catalyzing a Revolution of Joyful Communities

Escape the gospel of duty and join Jesus in a revolution of joyful community. This is the first of 5 books detailing our 5 values, by the folks at LK10.

Join the joy-fueled revolution

Vibrant families of Jesus are springing up all over the globe. Schedule your intro call and give it a try today.

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