The 10:2b Virus

What part of the harvest field has God called you to? This could be a region (my neighborhood, my city, state, country, etc.) or a people group (a particular age group, a school, an ethnic group, etc.). This week we are asking another question... What is the single most important thing you can do to see a church planting movement in your part of the harvest field?

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The objective of the Leader 101 Course is to cultivate the habits of highly effective spiritual leaders.  We started last month (June 2015) with cultivating the habit of joy.  As we move to a new habit for July, remember that joy is foundational to everything else that we do.  So, continue the spiritual disciplines you began in June.  All of the articles on joy can be found here.

The content of the Leader 101 Course is being made available to everyone in the LK10 Community (ie, those who have subscribed to the LK10 Newsletter).  However, the best learning takes place in the context of “communities of practice”.  We call these, Leader Teams.  To find out more about Leader Teams and to apply, click here.

LESSON TWO (July):  Cultivating the habit of praying the 10:2b prayer


(Our learning process in LK10 always starts with our relationship with the Holy Spirit as our Coach (Paraclete)  He is the One who leads us into all truth.  So, read until He stops you.  Use that as the beginning point for dialogue with Him.  Repeat.)


The Coach taught us many things over the first year as we prayed this prayer together.  One day Kenny called me and said, “That first word in Lk 10:2 (“Beseech”) is an aorist imperative.  Do you know what that means?”  Neither of us knew so we had to look it up.  We found that an aorist meant to start doing something at one point in time and to continue on forever.

deethete:  aorist imperative from deomai:  to ask request, beseech, beg, petition.  “The requests made are quite specific, arising out of real need and expecting definite help of an external or spiritual nature.”  Brown, The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Volume 2, p. 860.

The verb form was also an imperative which we knew was a command.  Then, the Coach connected this imperative in Lk 10:2 with the Great Commission in Mt. 28:18-20.

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been give to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations (ethne), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you,  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

It dawned on us that the 10:2b Prayer was one of the commands that the Jesus had in mind in Mt. 28.  If we were going to disciple someone, one of the things we would do would be to teach them to obey the command to “beseech the Lord of the harvest”.  What a revelation!  So, at every opportunity, Kenny and I began to teach the 10:2b Prayer.  We taught it in one on one lunches and we taught it in large group meetings.  We explained what Jesus had commanded and then we asked,

“Would you be willing to pray this prayer for your region or people group as close to daily as possible with one other person?”

Almost everyone said, “Well, yes, I’ll do that.  It’s clear that its something that Jesus commanded.”  This process was so simple and easy that we began thinking of this Prayer as a sort of benevolent “virus”.  Something that could be passed on from person to person to person.  Soon, we began hearing stories of people in places around the world that we had never met praying 10:2b. The virus was beginning to spread!


Not only was this viral Prayer contagious and “sneezable” (see Jason Ma’s video below), it was also powerful.  The Lord actually answered this prayer that Jesus had commanded us to pray.  Imagine that!  We began to see “laborers” appear in ways that could only be explained as the action of the Lord of the harvest.  Once we had these God-sent “laborers”, we found that the rest of the process of church planting (starting house churches, etc.) was pretty simple.  We began to understand that the single most important thing we could do to see a church planting movement, the “one thing”, was to pray this prayer and to teach it to others.  Kenny said it this way…  “Before there can be a church planting movement, there must be a prayer movement!”


Last week, we asked you this question…  What part of the harvest field has God called you to?  This could be a region (my neighborhood, my city, state, country, etc.) or a people group (a particular age group, a school, an ethnic group, etc.).  This week we are asking another question… What is the single most important thing you can do to see a church planting movement in your part of the harvest field?

What is a church planting movement?  A rapid multiplication of indigenous churches planting churches that sweeps through a people group of population segment.  Garrison, Church Planting Movements, p. 21.  (see the video below)

We believe the answer to that question is…  (Actually there are two things)

1.  Catch the “virus”

2.  Spread the “virus”


1.  Catch the virus.  Watch the videos below to learn more about the 10:2b Virus.   Set your smart phone or watch to ring every day at 10:02 am as a reminder to pray 10:2b.  As close to daily as possible, pray 10:2b with your CO2 partner.  The more you pray 10:2b, the more the virus takes hold.

2.  Spread the virus.  Imagine what might happen if there were a dozen people in your harvest field praying the 10:2b Prayer every day.  How about 100?  Ask the Lord for one person to “infect” with the “virus” this week.

3.  Share what you are learning.  Share what the Coach is teaching you about the 10:2b Prayer with your CO2 partner and your Leader Team.  Also, share about any people you have been able to “infect” and any 10:2b answers you have seen.  (One of our objectives in the LK10 Community is encouraging one another by sharing 10:2b answers.)

WATCH THE FOUR VIDEOS BELOW (Click on the pictures to watch the videos)

  • Kenny Moore telling how the Coach taught us about the 10:2b virus
  • Jason Ma explaining that 10:2b is “sneezable”.  (We taught 10:2b to Neil Cole and Neil taught it to Jason.)
  • Jim and Cathy Mellon (LK10 Coordinators) share their experiences with 10:2b
  • Powerful stories of Church Planting Movements (CPMs) around the world.  Imagine if this happened where you live!

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