10:2b Prayer – The “easy button” for starting house churches

Kent has always been drawn to prayer but when he and his wife, Cathy, began praying the 10:2b Prayer, the Lord of the harvest began answering in amazing ways. He found that this approach is so simple that he began calling it "the easy button"

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Kent Larson is a pastor in a traditional church and the LK10 Coordinator in Orange County, CA.  Kent has always been drawn to prayer but when he and his wife, Cathy, began praying the 10:2b Prayer, the Lord of the harvest began answering in amazing ways.  He found that this approach to starting “vibrant families of Jesus” (small groups, house churches, etc) was so simple that he began calling it “the easy button”. (Simple and easy because, as we say, God is the one who “does the heavy lifting”.)  Here’s Kent’s story…

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For more on the 10:2b Prayer

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