10:2b. How many church planters (apostles) can I expect the Lord to send to my city?

So, look for apostles disguised as ordinary men and women. (Many of these people may not even realize that they have an apostolic calling!) Ask big and look for a large number of apostles in your region or people group. And, look for different kinds of apostles. Each one will have their own distinct calling. And, many of them will need help from you to be clear about this.

Who were the 10:2b answers in the first century? (And, why this matters to us!)

There are some who say that the primary focus of church planting should be among the lost, those who don’t yet know Jesus. We strongly disagree with this. While it is a great thing to plant churches among the lost, we think it is also both valid and important to join Jesus in birthing house churches among those who are already followers of Jesus.

How to know when you have a 10:2b answer

When I am praying Lk 10:2b, one type of “harvest worker” that I am asking for and looking for is a “person(s) of peace”. A household where the shalom of God has already been at work preveniently (look it up!). They may or may not currently be followers of Jesus. But, when they hear that “the Kingdom of God is near you” (Lk 10:9), they respond with great joy and welcome the King into their home. That home becomes a base of operations for the Kingdom in that neighborhood or people group. That person (or persons) becomes the leader (spiritual parent) of the new church.

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