Transforming America. 9. “Looks like he’s going to fire me.”

So, these three ideas are beginning to live in my head. Church as family. A family where everyone contributes when they gather. And, most importantly, Jesus as the head, the leader, the master of ceremonies especially when we gather. But, what in the world would this look like in actual practice?

Transforming America 8. His disciples would have laughed at this

Whenever even two people meet in Jesus name,⁠ He pictured Himself being present. That was the picture in His head. In one sense, this was not new to me. What was new was the realization for the first time that, in my picture, Jesus was passively present.

Transforming America: 6. Everyone???

Apparently, Jesus had a high value for “spiritual families” where everyone had a voice. Where everyone contributed something in order to see the whole group, the church, become stronger. Somehow this was a key element in making them “vibrant”, pulsing with life. I really didn’t know how to do church this way but I felt instinctively that this was important and it was something I needed to pursue.

Transforming America: 3. My first 40 years in the church

Chapter Three:  My first 40 years in the church   (Note:  to read earlier chapters in this book, go here. ) In order to understand how I came to the idea of “vibrant families of Jesus”, you need to know a bit about my first 40 years in the church. Growing up, I was part […]

Transforming America. 2. A quick definition

Chapter Two:  A quick definition Vibrant families of Jesus. What do I mean by this? I’ll give you a quick definition here. But, it will take the rest of The Why Book to add color and depth to this phrase. Families. What I have come to understand is that there was a much closer connection […]

Transforming America. 1. Begin with the end in mind

  Chapter One:  Begin with the End in Mind “Begin with the end in mind”. This is the second habit in Steve Covey’s excellent book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. So, with this habit in mind, I want to begin this book and tell you the end that I have in mind… One […]

Transforming America. Introduction

Friends, This is the Introduction to a book I believe the Lord has directed me to write.  But, this is not just “my” book.  I think it is supposed to be “our” book.  I want your help – your suggestions, comments, affirmations, questions, etc.  And, most important, your prayers (I’ve never written a book before!) […]

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An organic movement is rising, fueled by joy and led by Jesus, rediscovering God’s original intent of Christ-communities. This book shares the 5 shifts of this movement. Paperback, $9.99. Kindle, $0.99